The undertaking of a microalgae cultivation, alone or in combination with other microorganisms, requires from the beginning challenging and high-impact choices for the development of the project. These range from the choice of algae typology (autotrophic, heterotrophic, mixed), and strains, to the systems used, and finally to the strategies, for example whether to focus on the extraction of the substances of interest or on the use of the entire biomass.
Barbara Righini, reporter, AgroNotizie
Production of high added value molecules through engineered cyanobacteria
Giovanni Loprete, University of Padua
Microalgae as Sustainable and Affordable Sources of Micronutrients
Gao Fengzheng, professor, ETH Zurich
Diatoms in Algal Biotechnology: Innovations and Applications
Saverio Savio, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Multi-commodities microbial-driven biorefinery based on food-processing industry wastes, biogenic CO2 and bioprocess wastewaters
Valeria Agostino, Italian Institute of Technology
Remediation of high-saline waters using microalgae: a potential to be explored
Domenico Palatucci, Professor, University of Naples Federico II