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Microalgae Production: Genetics, Systems and Strategies

The undertaking of a microalgae cultivation, alone or in combination with other microorganisms, requires from the beginning challenging and high-impact choices for the development of the project. These range from the choice of algae typology (autotrophic, heterotrophic, mixed), and strains, to the systems used, and finally to the strategies, for example whether to focus on […]

Algae and fuels: could SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) be a driver market?

The production of hydrocarbon fuel precursors using microalgae grown on a large scale has historically faced a major obstacle in price. The decarbonization of aviation could provide today and in the future a pool of demand that can be satisfied by algae,  that carry the advantage of minimal land and freshwater consumption compared to more […]

The uses of microalgae: industry, food, pharmaceuticals, environment

The use of microalgae and their derivatives is spreading in many sectors, enhancing the biosynthesis and biorefining functions of microorganisms. The limit today is the cost but there are already markets where this parameter can be compensated by the best characteristics of the algal product, such as high purity (nutraceuticals and functional foods), or by […]

Technologies for indoor farming: AI, robotics, circularity

Controlled environment crops depend precisely on the control of the environmental parameters in which the plants are growing. All CEA farms are equipped with sensors, including mobile ones, and management systems. The arrival of AI, machine learning and artificial neural networks makes the capabilities of these systems increasingly high-performance, allowing for a reduction in human […]

Genetics and varietal selections for innovation in horticulture

The recent openings of the Italian legislation and what could happen in a more substantial way at European level allow to also aim for the development of varieties of plant species suitable for being grown in a controlled environment with yields, reduction of harvesting costs and development times better than even the most performing varieties […]

Indoor farming in Italy: technological greenhouses, vertical farms, urban agriculture between regulations, investments and market

Agriculture in Europe and Italy is a hyper-regulated sector, with its own tax and contractual regimes that positively influence its profitability and economic sustainability. The progressive alignment between traditional crops and those in a controlled environment, especially in urban areas, is proving to be an important key to the diffusion of the latter in Italy, […]

Innovation in horticulture: producers, big retailers, consumers in dialogue

The special categories of fruit and vegetables are the preferred outlet market for controlled environment crops in the current phase of technological and market evolution. Monitoring the evolution of fresh-cut and pre-weighed and packaged vegetables, aromatics, small fruits, is therefore essential to understand the trend of demand also for CEA. This is a recurring appointment […]

Multitrophic aquaponics

The breeding and synergistic cultivation of fish, crustaceans, vegetables, mushrooms and microalgae is a very promising sector because it allows to maximize the value of products, by-products and waste in a closed ecology, with minimum input from the outside. The challenge is to keep the environment in constant balance, ensuring the vitality of all participants.