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Microalgae Production: Genetics, Processes and Applications

The undertaking of a microalgae cultivation, alone or in combination with other microorganisms, requires from the beginning challenging and high-impact choices for the development of the project. These range from the choice of algae typology (autotrophic, heterotrophic, mixed), and strains, to the systems used, and finally to the strategies, for example whether to focus on […]

Microalgae and environmental solutions

Chairperson:Marco Bravi, La Sapienza – University of Rome ALFAFUELS: Sustainable jet fuels from CO₂ by micro-algal cell factories in a zero-waste approachLiliana Rodolfi and Giacomo Sampietro, University of Florence The BioAgroPro project: Production of biostimulants from microalgae cultivated on agro-industrial by-productsLeonardo Massari, researcher, Spallanzani InstituteElena Ficara, Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan Calcifying microalgae: between carbon […]

ROUNDTABLE: The future of microalgae sector – opportunities and challenges

Introduced and moderated by:Antonio Marzocchella, President of Aisam The strategic importance of algae for Italy and the global panorama. International Scenario: Trends and OpportunitiesOverview of the state of the algae supply chain in the world.Technological innovations and best practices from other countries.Emerging markets and potential for global trade. Speakers:Experience and information on the Chinese supply […]

Funded research projects

Cluster Urban Agriculture (by Alma Mater University of Bologna) 14:55 – 15:15TALEACall: Urban Innovative Actions (European Commission)TALEA. Green cells leading the Green transitionMichele D’Ostuni, Alma Mater University of Bologna 15:20 – 15:40INCiTiS-FOODCall: Horizon Europe (European Commission)Integrated and Circular Technologies for Sustainable city region FOOD systems in AfricaGaia Moretti, Alma Mater University of Bologna 15:45 – […]

Indoor farming in Italy: technological greenhouses, vertical farms, urban agriculture between regulations, investments and market

Agriculture in Europe and Italy is a hyper-regulated sector, with its own tax and contractual regimes that positively influence its profitability and economic sustainability. The progressive alignment between traditional crops and those in a controlled environment, especially in urban areas, is proving to be an important key to the diffusion of the latter in Italy, […]

L’indoor farming in Italia: serre tecnologiche, vertical farm, agricoltura urbana tra normative, investimenti e mercato

L’agricoltura in Europa ed in Italia è un settore iper-normato, con regimi fiscali e contrattuali suoi propri che ne influenzano in positivo la redditività e la sostenibilità economica. L’allineamento progressivo tra colture tradizionali e quelle in ambiente controllato, soprattutto in ambito urbano, si sta rivelando una chiave importante della diffusione di queste ultime nel nostro […]

Produzione delle microalghe: genetica, processi e applicazioni

L’intrapresa di una coltivazione di microalghe, da sole o in combinazione con altri microrganismi, richiede dall’inizio scelte impegnative e ad alto impatto per lo sviluppo del progetto. Esse vanno dalla scelta della tipologia (autotrofiche, eterotrofiche, miste), e dei ceppi, ai sistemi utilizzati, infine alle strategie, per esempio se puntare sull’estrazione delle sostanze d’interesse o sull’utilizzo […]

Innovazione nella micocoltura

ModeraMarco Comelli, Principal Consultant, Studio Comelli Coltivazione di funghi in containerGiovanni Scalabrini, General Manager, ScalaBOX Urban farm urbana per funghiPietro Trevisan, Buoono Farm Il quadro più ampio: integrazione di colture proteiche alternative coltivate in ambiente controllatoMark Horler, Founder, CEA proteins Tavola Rotonda